Buyer Concerns

We receive a lot of questions on our social media and email asking about matters related to real estate. In this section we are covering your concerns and also including topics that we feel would help you know a little more about real estate.

Important points to keep in mind while buying a house in 2022

Important points to keep in mind while buying a house in 2022

Introduction to buying a house in 2022   Almost every Indian dreams about owning the roof above their head. In a country where renting a house is not the goal for a majority of people, it is important to have proper knowledge about the important aspects of buying...

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5 greatest tips to improve your CIBIL score sooner than expected

5 greatest tips to improve your CIBIL score sooner than expected

Increasing your CIBIL score seems like a very difficult task. But, with due diligence and a disciplined approach, you can certainly improve your financial history over a period of time. These systems are designed to prove helpful for people. It is best to take full responsibility and follow a proper plan when it comes to utilizing these for your benefit.

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The Rise in Single-Family Housing Demand

The Rise in Single-Family Housing Demand

No one ever expected the world to change so much as it has since the end of 2019. And this change will continue to remain, for some time more, unfortunately. But we humans like to be known as the smart species and we definitely are, given we do our research and remain...

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The new trend of searching home amidst this lockdown

The new trend of searching home amidst this lockdown

Like every other sector, real estate has been severely impacted by the pandemic. With sales coming to a halt, and construction activities yet to resume in full swing, developers are an anxious lot. Having said that, with the lockdown easing in a few pockets of the...

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