
Protech organised a labour camp at Tulip Guwahati for construction workers.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Protech Group is a responsibility that we take very seriously. We have a commitment to the development and welfare of the ‘not-so-privileged’ sections of society.

Assam Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board was constituted in adherence to the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1996. This Board ensures the delivery of various welfare benefits to registered construction workers. On the 3rd of April, 2018, Protech Group organized a camp at the project site of Protech Tulip to help construction workers to register for the scheme.

Registration Process

Protech Group Organised CSR Labour Camp at Protech Tulip, GuwahatiThe worker registration camp at Protech Tulip, Borsojai, Guwahati was initiated by The assistant Labor Commissioner, Ms Ajanta Sarma. It was supported by The Assam Real Estate and Infrastructure Developers’ Association (ARIEDA). Apart from the support in filling up the form with the necessary documentary evidence, the registration process included age verification and certification by Govt. Doctors and a spot bank account were opened by the Bank of India officials.

The employees of the Protech family along with the Protech Group MD, Mr. Manoj Jalan, worked to the best of their abilities in assisting the officials and were able to register a record total of 164 construction workers consisting of labourers, masons, helpers etc in one single day.

The assistant Labor Commissioner, Ms Ajanta Sarma and the President of ARIEDA, Mr. P. K Sarma lauded the enthusiasm shown by everyone at Protech for the successful registration of a record number of workers.

Member Benefits

Construction workers camp at Protech Tulip GuwahatiAll the registered workers will now be able to avail benefits in the areas of child education, loans, health, disability, accident, pension and death. Here are the detail benefits as was provided to us by the office of the Labour Commissioner.

  1. Medical assistance / accident benefit
    1. Up to 5 days Rs. 1000/- (per day) and for the remaining day Rs. 200/- (per day) up to a maximum of Rs 20,000/-
    2. Critical disease= Rs. 1,50,000/-
    3. Partial disability 25%, 50%, 80% or 50% above Rs. 25,000/-, Rs. 50,000/-, Rs. 70,000/-, and Rs. 1,50,000/- respectively.
  2. General pension: Rs. 2,000/- Minimum
  3. Family pension: Rs 2,000/- Minimum
  4. Disability pension: One-time pension of Rs. 3,00,000/- and Rs. 2,000/- per month + Rs. 100/- for every completed year of service)
  5. Cash award to a child:
    1. Rs. 5,000/- for marks above 75%
    2. Rs. 4,000/- for marks above 65%
    3. Rs. 3,500/- for marks above 55%
  6. Educational Assistance:
    1. Class I to IV = Rs. 1,500/-
    2. Class V to VII = Rs. 2,750/-
    3. Class VIII to X = Rs. 4,000/-
    4. Class XI to XII = Rs. 7,000/-
    5. Degree Course or its equivalent Courses = Rs. 10,000/-
    6. Post Gradute or Equivalent Classes Including Engineering Medical / Competitive Examination = Rs. 20,000/-
  7. Marriage Assistance: Rs. 25,000/- (3 yrs Registration)
  8. Maternity Benefit: Rs. 20,000/-
  9. Death Benefit:
    1. Normal Death – Rs. 50,000/-
    2. Accidental Death – Rs. 3,00,000/-
  10. Funeral Assistance:
    1. Normal Death – Rs. 5,000/-
    2. Accidental Death – Rs. 5,000/-
  11. Janashree Bima Yojana:
    1. Normal Death Benefit: Rs. 2,00,000/-
    2. Accidental Death Benefit: Rs. 4,00,000/- (18 years to 50 years)
    3. Normal Death (50 years above): Rs. 30,000/-
    4. Accidental Death (50 years above): Rs. 75,000/-
  12. House Building Advance (5 years registration):
    1. Flat Purchase: Rs. 5,00,000/-
    2. Land Purchase: Rs. 2,00,000/-
    3. House Purchase: Rs 3,00,000/-
  13. Tools Purchasing Loan : Rs. 20,000/- ( 3 years registration)
  14. Health Check up:
    1. 18 years to 40 years: Rs. 3,000/-
    2. Above 40 years: Rs. 5,000/- (3 years registration)


Protech as the pioneer real estate group in Guwahati wants to be an example of a good corporate citizen, and is committed to take more such initiatives in the future to enrich the lives of the needy sections of the society.

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