Work From Home: Expectations VS Reality

Working from home is a myth that is finally busted by reality.

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working from home

Working from home feels like a rosy world of comfort, but actually is a constant battle between the work of office and the work of home. Either of the one is inescapable. We all have been dreaming of these days since forever but now when it has actually crossed path with reality the picture is contrasting. 

Here are some expectations of working from home bashed by reality :

Family Vs Office

While it may seem to be a great idea to be at home with family and successfully manage the office work amidst that. But its a myth now. Getting ready for a conference call and offering a helping hand in the kitchen are two different worlds colliding with each other.

family vs office

Time Constraint

One doesn’t have any time constraint for work done from home. But actually you might require to work beyond the office hours and deliver work after that. Because you are at your comfort so working from home certainly doesn’t sound to be that troublesome. Isn’t it?

Time constraints - Working from home

Network / Power cut issues

If you need to constantly be at war with the network connection and further face power cut issues, then working from home is definitely a curse for you. These are the problems that don’t occur while at office and even it does it gets fixed instantly.

Network / Power cut issues - working from home


If you are a family person or even own a pet for that matter, you will have a lot of distractions on your way. There will be instances when you might have to choose your work over the family time. And that’s probably when you will reminisce your old days at office.


Work Environment

Finding a proper calm environment at home to work is like finding water in a desert. Taking multiple breaks and being a helping hand at home will keep making their presence at your work table. Therefore you are left with no choice other than adjusting.

work environment - working from home

No Family Time

Being at home doesn’t necessarily mean you spending time with your family. You are actually glued to your laptop throughout without any relaxation. You may end up giving most of your time to your work being totally out of choice.

no family time

Work is worship, therefore be it home or office needs one’s full dedication and patience. Though its difficult one has to manage and make compromises. Let’s just at the same breath hope for this pandemic to end soon with a promise to take care of ourselves and our families. We are all together in this. Despite all the struggles and challenges if one can manage office work, its truly commendable. But equally the responsibilities at home can’t be ignored.


All information shared on our blog are for entertainment and general purpose only. Kindly use your own discretion if you are using a particular information in place of expert advice or not doing further research.

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