When out grocery shopping, it is important to stay safe and alert during Covid-19. Covid-19 has changed all our lives in more ways than one would imagine. Keeping the mask on at all times is probably the biggest change we’ve quickly imbibed in our daily lives. Every time you step out of the house for grocery shopping or run other errands during Covid-19, you are at risk of contracting the disease. Here are some quick tips to keep in mind and practice to stay safe and healthy.

Maintain distance

 Your biggest risk of contraction is from other people who may be releasing virus laden droplets when they sneeze, talk, cough or breathe too close to you. While the mask works more for the protection of those around you than your own, it is a good practise to have a soft barrier that helps filter what you inhale to some extent.


High touch surfaces like door handles, card payment machines, shopping baskets, etc. may be your second biggest risk. Sanitize your hands before and after touching them not only after. Doing so will help others around you stay safe too. Practising good hand hygiene is absolutely the most vital step in staying safe. Wash your hands thoroughly when you get home.

Leave your phone alone

We are so attuned to checking our phones all the time that we mindlessly do so without realizing it. Leave the phone at home, in the car or in your pocket/bag. A phone’s surface is a hot zone for you personally. Best to avoid touching it when you’re grocery shopping.

Clean your shopping bags

When was the last time you cleaned your thaela? When using reusable shopping bags, you need to wash them often. This is also for the safety of those bagging your grocery items. It is easy to ignore how filthy our bags get. Don’t forget to throw your cloth bags in the machine regularly, wash them together and separate from your usual laundry.

Wash your veggies

Wash your fruits and veggies in lukewarm water. Let them sit in it for 15 minutes with some salt. Then rinse under running water. Adding salt to lukewarm water is a great practise. Try it yourself and see, it draws more gunk and dirt off them and also helps conserve water.

To wipe or not?

Wiping packets down with sanitizers may or may not work. According to New England Journal of Medicine, experts say that the virus can live up to 24 hours on cardboard and 72 hours on plastic or stainless steel, although it decays exponentially. These are findings from controlled laboratory settings. It is best to always wash your hands with soap thoroughly after touching any items.

Avoid touching your face when you’re out. Sanitize your hands after touching high traffic spots often. Try to wipe down your card and wallet after payment. Always stay alert. We deeply care for your safety and well-being here at Protech Group. We’re taking special care at our offices and projects to ensure sanitized spaces. As one of the leading real estate developers in Guwahati, we’re constantly updating our tech and procedures to keep up with the changing times.  You can also visit our projects virtually with 3D demos. Take a look at our offerings here: www.protechgroup.in

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