Ways to maintain hygiene to prevent COVID-19

Make sure you follow a hygienic life at home during lockdown and stay safe from corona virus.

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All of us are together in this difficult and struggling phase. The deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread in the entire world sweeping off more than thousand lives in a single day, thereby putting a question to the existence of humankind. Social distancing by following lockdown is the only way to save our lives from getting in contact with the coronavirus. Since all of us are at homes, and fighting this deadly virus, we should try to maintain hygiene in all possible ways. Being indoors is not just the end of it, we still need to take precautions. The minimum possible hygiene starts from homes. Here some of the steps that you can adopt in order to maintain hygienic during these times of struggle.

Sanitize yourself :-

Keeping yourself clean and specially your hands (since we touch with hands) is very important. Keep yourself sanitized. Have a hand wash and a hand sanitizer ready at your home. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with an interval of 10 minutes. If possible keep a hand wash and water facility in the entrance itself so that one can wash their hands before entering the house from outdoors.

Sanitize your food items:-

To make sure that you take clean food, apart from washing it before cooking make sure that you sanitize it to prevent coronavirus. Food items starting from vegetables, fruits to packaged items, everything needs a proper sanitization after it is brought from outside. This way you can maintain the hygiene during this lockdown period and make sure your bodies are healthy and you are having clean food.

Keep your house clean:-

It is very important for you to keep your house clean and away from dirt. Mop the rooms with sanitizer again, and clean the window panes, door knobs and also the gates of your house. Everything in the house that can comes into contact with your hands and body needs to be cleaned and sanitized every day. Being hygienic also depends on how clean you keep your house and not just yourself.

Wash the clothes or masks after returning from outside:

You need to maintain hygiene in all aspects and therefore stay clean during the lockdown to prevent Coronavirus. If you have to go out, don’t forget to wash your mask after you return. Make sure you directly take a bath and wash away all your clothes without making a tour of the entire house. This will keep your house away from the dirt outside.

Maintain indoor and outdoor footwear:-

Try using separate footwears inside and outside your house especially if you have kids. This will prevent the germs from entering your house. This will also help you to keep your house neat and free from dirt.

Stay away from any kind of public gatherings, maintain social distancing and live a hygienic life at your homes during this lock down period. If we all start maintaining it in individual levels and stay indoors we can help each other from getting infected from Coronavirus.


All information shared on our blog are for entertainment and general purpose only. Kindly use your own discretion if you are using a particular information in place of expert advice or not doing further research.

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