Should You Opt For Fixed or Floating Home Loan Interest Rate?

Deciding on a fixed or floating rate interest home loans is a tough decision. This choice affects your bank balance and subsequently, requires cautious consideration. Find out which is more favorable for you.

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Purchasing a house includes a chain of decisions that can affect your life for quite a long time or even decades. The choice to lease or purchase a house is the first. When that is ruled out in favor of ‘purchase’, discovering the ideal home for your family is the next step. And afterward comes the critical ‘Fixed or Floating Rate Interest’ home loan choice. This choice affects your bank balance and subsequently, requires cautious consideration. So what’s the difference between the two and which is more favorable for you?

Let us find out which choice is better: Fixed home loan or Floating home loan

You can opt for a floating home loan interest rate if –

  • Expecting the interest rates to fall
  • Uncertain about interest rate movements
  • Looking for a few investment funds on your interest rate in the near term

You can opt for a fixed home loan interest rate if –

  • Okay with the EMI you are resolving to pay
  • Anticipating interest rates to increase
  • If interest rates have descended, you hope to secure at that rate

In case you are not capable to make your mind up, opt for a group loan – fixed and floating home loan interest rate in half-half.

You can swap between a fixed and floating home loan interest rate at a minimal fee.

It is very important to focus on the home loan’s interest rate because it is the interest rate that determines affordability. Besides the home loan interest rate, likewise, consider the type of interest that you pick. You can pick between a fixed and floating home loan interest rate accordingly.

Floating and fixed home loan interest rates, both have their own benefits. Thus, it is important that you understand the meaning of both the home loan interest rate and its benefits and then act accordingly.

About fixed home loan interest rate and its benefits

Fixed home loan interest rate implies to reimbursement of home loans in fixed equivalent portions over the entire time-frame of the loan. For this situation, the loan fee doesn’t change with market variances. Near the beginning part of the loan tenure, most of the scheduled monthly installments are utilized to support the interest and the principal is paid in the latter part of the term.

Benefits of Fixed home loan interest rate

  • Interest rate is fixed regardless of market variances
  • A fixed home loan interest rate is brilliant for the individuals who are skilled at budgeting and want a fixed month-to-month reimbursement plan, which is anything but difficult to spending plan and doesn’t vacillate.
  • It gives a feeling of sureness and security

About floating home loan interest rate and its benefits

Floating home loan interest rates by name infers that the rate of premium differs with economic situations. In this home loan, the interest rate is fixed to a base rate in addition to a floating factor thereof. Therefore, if the base rate fluctuates the floating interest rate fluctuates as well.

Benefits of Floating home loan interest rate

  • The prime benefit of floating home loan interest rates is that they are less expensive than fixed home loan interest rates. Therefore, in case that you are getting a floating home loan interest rate of 11.5 percent while the fixed home loan interest rate is being proposed at 14 percent, yet you set aside money in case the floating loan interest rate increases up to 2.5 percent.
  • Though floating home loan interest rate goes more than the fixed interest rate, it will be for some time of the loan and not the whole term. The interest rates will undoubtedly fall over an extensive stretch and, subsequently, the floating home loan interest rate brings plenty of investment funds.

Despite everything, you can’t choose?

If you are not yet certain about which home loan you should prefer, settle on a group loan – half fixed and half floating. This is particularly reasonable for you in case you have other loan reimbursements at the moment and your incomes have been premeditated to meet your loan commitments for the initial 3-5 years; during this term, you can pick a fixed interest rate home loan. After this stage, you can go for a floating interest rate home loan for the remaining tenure of the loan.

To finish up, one cannot state that one loan type is superior to the next; choosing the fixed or floating home loan interest rate will purely rely upon your requirements, priority and economic condition.

Meanwhile, consider the above-mentioned factors to choose the alternative that suits you best. Moreover, you can contact Protech Group for more details on home loans and real estate rates.


All information shared on our blog are for entertainment and general purpose only. Kindly use your own discretion if you are using a particular information in place of expert advice or not doing further research.

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