Invest only in the best: Some tips for home buyers

Whether you are a budding entrepreneur looking for a commercial space, lovebirds looking for your nest or a retired person seeking to enjoy a comfortable life, investing in property is always a big decision. While preferences may vary, one thing that all buyers love is a good bargain. Here are a few tips to get […]

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Whether you are a budding entrepreneur looking for a commercial space, lovebirds looking for your nest or a retired person seeking to enjoy a comfortable life, investing in property is always a big decision. While preferences may vary, one thing that all buyers love is a good bargain. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Surf, review, and compare: This is one time breaking down the internet would actually help you.  Look for reviews of the locality where you plan to make the purchase and snoop around asking acquaintances who have recently bought houses about trending buys and price ranges.
  2. Review the property value: Do not jump in joy on learning that the price offered is well within your expectations. Instead, review the property value, gauge its location, and how much it may increase or diminish in the coming years. Sellers will try to gain a positional advantage by rising the original price and quoting discounts but do not get fooled. This is after all not your regular online shopping!
  3. Do not act desperate: After you have spent years saving up money, you might be absolutely impatient to get a space to call your own but before you give in to haste, spend a considerable amount of time doing your research. Compare the property rates, review the builders and their past projects.
  4. No middle man: Steer clear of any manipulative dealer/ agent and insist on having a final talk with the authority selling the house. Brokers can help you find a property fast and might even get you a good deal. However, you can save the money you have to pay the broker if you go solo and also save yourself from misleading brokers who in the lure of getting a good commission from both parties might lead you astray. 
  5. Be resolute about your requirements and budget: We understand that you want to make sure nothing goes wrong in the purchase of your dream space; however confused dilly-dallying will dim the interest of the seller and encourage the sellers to bait you for a higher price. Do your research beforehand and be resolute once you meet the selling party. Since this is probably a one-time purchase you might be actually tempted in paying a little higher than your stipulated budget, a decision that has all probabilities of working against you in the future.
  6. Judge the price by a survey of its facilities and surroundings: Connectivity, amenities offered and security should be the keywords before finalizing a price. For example, an emerging neighborhood with newly established commercial establishments and office spaces might be expected to have a higher price whereas remote locations or those with reports of electrical supply and water irregularity or high crime rates (which you wouldn’t want to purchase anyway) would hold a much lower value and hence a less price range.


A smart way of building assets and getting high returns on the property will be to put your money on projects of well know real-estate companies. Protech group one of the leading real estate developers in Guwahati is offering world-class residential projects in the heart of the city at affordable prices. To know more visit With Protech Group you can stay assured of investing into a property with escalating value!


All information shared on our blog are for entertainment and general purpose only. Kindly use your own discretion if you are using a particular information in place of expert advice or not doing further research.

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