7 Easy and Proven Home Care hacks to protect your living spaces during Monsoons- How to deal with the season’s unique problems

Home care during monsoons can be quite the task. Splattering water from shoes and clothes, dampness, residual damp odour, sightings of mold- to name a few. But, a few easy tricks can do wonders and save us from high maintenance costs. “Make hay while the sun shines” may be an apt proverb when it comes to taking care of our living spaces during monsoon.

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monsoon home care hacks

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Furniture and Upholstery
  • Types of Rugs
  • Fragrances
  • Keeping homes dry and hygienic
  • Use of light fabric
  • Monsoon Home Decor
  • Dealing with bugs and mosquitoes


Before we dive straight into home care, it is meaningful that we talk about monsoons in a nutshell. Monsoon is the life breath of Assam. It is extremely beneficial as it aids the cultivation of paddy- the primary crop grown in the state. It brings down the soaring summer temperatures and adds freshness with lush green fields and gardens everywhere. A sight for sore eyes indeed!

However, it is not just these good things that we associate with monsoons in Assam. It creates havoc with overflowing rivers, urban floods, erosion of land, etc. But that is not what we are concerned about in this article.

When it comes to home care, monsoon brings with it an additional set of worries. Are you noticing that your furniture, curtains, and even your bed sheets are damp? Does your room have a residuary damp odor?  It can also create conditions ideal for the growth of fungus and other bacteria. In this case, it is pertinent that while enjoying the monsoon bliss, we must also ensure proper care so that our homes are protected.

Here are some simple hacks to protect your home and keep it hygienic, clean, and organized during the monsoon season.

These hacks are simple and affordable and can be implemented without drilling a hole in your pockets.

1. Furniture Hacks for Monsoon Home Care

They are extremely prone to dampness as they absorb the moisture from air. Therefore, it is advisable to move them a little away from the walls to ensure proper air circulation. This prevents the growth of fungus around the edges.

We should also make sure that furniture and any form of upholstery are kept in a well-ventilated room. Further, provision must be made so that sufficient natural light enters the room. This would help reduce the dampness to a large extent.

2. Type of Rugs to be Used During Monsoon

Heavy rugs made out of jute or high-quality wool must be packed and secured well in a dry cupboard. This is because these items might get damaged upon constant exposure to moisture. Moreover, they are also difficult to clean. Instead, take note of this hack and use light doormats and rugs made out of rubber and other heavy-duty plastic. These can be placed in your front door as they are anti-skid and do not trap the water falling out of your shoes, umbrellas, and raincoats.

This would help us protect our homes to a great extent because wet rugs leave that lingering damp smell and might also damage our floors and furniture.

3. Fragrances for Monsoon Home Care

Image of a diffuser
Source: skingroom.com

The smell of rain touching the ground can be divine, isn’t it? But it can also leave behind the residue of damp fungi odor in closed rooms as well as on our balconies.

Here’s a super simple hack; as using scented candles and incense sticks does the trick so well! Diffusers with essential oil can also be used and are easily available on Amazon at a very reasonable price. This helps in getting rid of that musty smell. Good smells are also associated with positivity and help in elevating one’s mood.

4. Hacks to keep Homes Dry and Hygienic

As much as we love the monsoons, splatters of raindrops leaving our homes wet is a common sight. Cleaning it up becomes a task and quite frankly, who amongst us love mopping floors throughout the day? Shreya Bilagi, writer at Designcafe suggests investing in an umbrella stand and a raincoat hanger because walking in with a wet umbrella or coat might not be the wisest thing to do.

Moreover, one must also keep their shoe racks clean and dry. We also need to ensure that our bathrooms are clean and dry. These spaces, if kept wet, have the tendency to host harmful bacteria and fungi.

5. Use of Light Fabric

Experts at https://www.beautifulhomes.com/  suggest moving away from heavy double-drapery curtains. This is because double-drapery curtains tend to absorb moisture and leave your home foul-smelling.

Instead, sheer or lace curtains permit even thin sunlight to seep in, keeping the atmosphere of your house pleasant, breezy, and sunshiny.

Further, Gamosas also comes in handy after a shower as its fabric is light, easy to dry up, and is super affordable too.

6. Amp up your Monsoon Home Decor

Source: www.designcafe.com

Did you know that lack of sunlight can cause a dip in our serotonin levels? Well, it kind of explains why we feel a little down when it rains continuously.

To beat that, experts suggest adding a pop of color to your home decor. It could be done by using colourful cushion covers, curtains, and even flowers. Colours like mustard and teal adds a little brightness to the otherwise dull and overcast skies.

Adding green plants to our interior home decor can also add that much-needed freshness and color in contrast to the gloomy weather outside.

7. Keep away Bugs and Mosquitoes

We see bugs and mosquitoes multiply during monsoon, thanks to increased humidity and standing water. What follows are outbreaks of diseases like malaria, dengue, and other skin ailments.

Therefore, it is advisable to use screen shutters and nettings for doors and windows. One can also opt for chemical deterrents, but that should be our last resort owing to health concerns.

Summing it up  

With proper care and a few easy steps, we can ensure a delightful home living experience even during monsoons. All we need is a little understanding of the unique requirements that we need to adopt during the season. There is another blog in this website which has some more additional tips for you to follow for monsoon home care. You can take note of these easy hacks and if it does help you to protect your amazing homes, you can thank us later! An unknown poet rightly said “The monsoon is nature’s way of reminding us that even the heaviest rain can be followed by beautiful sunshine”.


All information shared on our blog are for entertainment and general purpose only. Kindly use your own discretion if you are using a particular information in place of expert advice or not doing further research.

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