
We receive a lot of questions on our social media and email asking about matters related to real estate. In this section we are covering your concerns and also including topics that we feel would help you know a little more about real estate.

Why Noonmati is the best location to buy a flat?

Why Noonmati is the best location to buy a flat?

Introduction Noonmati is a locality in Guwahati which is best known for the Guwahati Refinery of Indian Oil Corporation. Known as the Gateway of the North East”, Guwahati is the largest city in the northeast, and one of the fastest growing cities of India. Guwahati...

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Budget 2020 & Real Estate Sector

Budget 2020 & Real Estate Sector

Real estate being the country's second largest employer of India, and the fact that the sector is under severe liquidity crunch, Budget 2020 was a very keenly awaited budget. Budget 2020 was also the key event for any sign of revival in the economy. Last year, the...

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