7 Simple things every pet owner must do to ensure having pet-friendly homes

The number of pet owners has increased over time. And why not? Furry friends are awesome. They are goofy, funny and bring a lot of joy into the lives of their humans. But they can be restless and even the most well-behaved pet can sometimes wreak havoc inside the house. It is important for every pet owner to ensure that their house is safe for their paw buddies. Apart from assigning them fixed areas to sleep and eat, it is also important to potty train them properly. But even then, they need your attention, just like small children.

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“Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet”- Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

If you have a pet or planning to get one, you must ensure that you are definitely doing these 7 things to ensure pet-friendly homes. Pets need care and monitoring just like small children.

As a pet parent, you must give some extra time and effort to make adjustments around the house. This will make sure that the company of your furry friends brings more joy to you than having to deal with the downsides of increased responsibilities.

Avoiding Rugs and Carpets are one of the most important ways to ensure pet-friendly homes


If you have young pets, it is best to avoid furnishing your home with exquisite rugs and carpets to ensure pet-friendly homes. They may look good but can accumulate a lot of hair and bacteria. Also, it can become a breeding ground for small fleas. It can be very unhygienic in the long run as these will camouflage your pet’s hair.

Avoid open wires to ensure pet-friendly homes


Having open wires around the house can be dangerous to your pets. Especially if they are on their teething stage. Ensure to use cable protectors so that your pets do not chew on them. It is one of the most important steps to ensure pet-friendly homes

Keep fragile items out of reach of your pets to ensure pet-friendly homes


You could lose the most expensive decor piece at any moment as they can knock it over while having a fun time. Nevertheless, keep medicines, expensive items and chemicals tucked away inside cabinets to ensure pet-friendly homes! As pets are adventurous, they might end up discovering these items while sniffling and cause tragic accidents.

Go for easily removable and washable upholstery


Pet hair sticks easily in certain fabrics. It is best to buy sofa covers that can easily be removed and washed occasionally. There are a lot of pet-friendly options which are scratch-proof and don’t absorb odor.

Keeping your dustbins covered with a lid is paramount to ensuring pet-friendly homes


Pets have a strong sense of smell and checking the dustbins out of curiosity may be one of their favorite things to do. That can undoubtedly spread a lot of dirt in the house. Therefore, always keep the dustbin covered with a lid.

Investing in a good vacuum cleaner is necessary to ensure pet-friendly homes


If your pet sheds a lot, it is a great idea to invest in a good vacuum cleaner. Pet hair can cause allergies in some people and it is very difficult to get rid of from your sofa and bed. Nevertheless, you must brush your pet outside the house at least once every two days to reduce the mess.

Avoid potentially toxic indoor plants to ensure pet-friendly homes


You must keep in mind that certain indoor and balcony plants are potentially toxic to your paw buddies. Lilies, Oleander, Tulips, and Chrysanthemum could be life-threatening too. Therefore, do some research and ensure that only pet-friendly plants are introduced into the house.

Hopefully, these tips will help you get started in welcoming your pet home or introducing your pets to your new home. For more helpful tips and information, keep checking out this space soon.

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All information shared on our blog are for entertainment and general purpose only. Kindly use your own discretion if you are using a particular information in place of expert advice or not doing further research.

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