7 Greatest Advantages of living in gated communities

Gated communities offer a lot of advantages over non-gated ones. With proper demarcation from the locality and monitoring of the entrance, inmates can enjoy more freedom of safety and movement. Children and pets are safer in a gated community. Read on till the end to gain some more helpful insights.

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Gated communities are residential properties that are characterized by the presence of protective walls surrounding them along with having restrictive entrances. The access to the area is monitored closely. Gated communities are located in almost every type of location, no matter small or big cities. Although it creates an impression that they are always more posh and expensive than non-gated communities, it is not necessarily true. It is just a better way of planning a real-estate property. It provides a lot of advantages to the inmates over other kinds of properties.

7 Greatest Advantages of living in gated communities

Let us discuss the 7 greatest advantages of living in a gated community. Why is it considered safer and more convenient than a non-gated community? Let us try to answer the question.

1. Safety and Security

The first and the foremost advantage of residing in gated communities is of course better security. Gated properties are physically demarcated from the surrounding area or locality with walls and have a monitored entrance. This automatically reduces the chances of intruders getting in. Due to this, a person trusts a gated community more than a non-gated community.

2. Extra privacy

Gated communities can be super-exclusive, depending on location, who the builders are, or what type of people is the company targeting. Protech Tarun Nagar in Guwahati is one such exclusive property. Some of the most expensive apartments in Protech Tarun Nagar even have a private lift with no means for any other person to access it. So if you are conscious about your privacy, you can easily choose to live in such a setting.

3. Sense of community

Gated communities offer a great chance to socialize and feel united as a community. In many of them, there are well-rounded facilities to go out on walks, recreational centers, gyms, swimming pools, etc. All these provide a chance to spend enough time together. People can have parties, go on walks with neighbors, celebrate a festival together, and many more. As a social being, communication brings people closer.

4. No solicitors

Many of the gated communities do not allow any unauthorized entry. Depending on how strict they are on this, you can be assured that you are much safer than living in a non-gated community.

5. No traffic

As gated communities only allow the inmates and limited guests to enter the area, there are fewer chances of pollution and noisiness. It is not uncommon for gated communities to be much quieter than the surrounding area. It is very good for our children and pets who can play freely without the fear of accidents.

6. Better property value and ROI

Although it is not necessary that a gated community would be super expensive, they might be priced a little higher. But you can be assured that it is worth investing because ultimately the ROI is higher. You get better security, a better resale rate, and whatnot! The only thing about gated communities is that you just have to pay a maintenance fee from time to time.

It might look like an unnecessary recurring expense but in case something in your apartment needs major repair, this fund would be utilized. You would not have to spend your own money (If you are fortunate, you will definitely find such property for yourself)

7. Eco-friendly

Gated communities are usually planned properties with a good amount of green space. The dedicated green space automatically increases the eco-friendliness of society. Whether you love morning or evening walks, you can retreat into the greenery every once in a while. Children will also be happy to find a place to run around. It is way superior to a concrete jungle.


Thank you for reading till the end. By now you probably understand why people preferably go for gated communities. So, what do you think of it now? Under favorable conditions, would you prefer choosing a protected property over a non-gated one for your family?

About Protech Group:

We at Protech make constant endeavors to help build better properties in both the residential and commercial sectors in Guwahati.  All of our residential properties are gated with proper security systems. We ensure minimal wastage of resources during construction, especially water. Also, you will find a lot of Vastu-compliant properties in the catalog of Protech.

If you too are looking for commercial and residential properties in Guwahati, Assam, Protech Group is your solution. Our years of experience in the real estate industry and understanding of the market allow us to introduce you to the best in the city.

To know more, you can connect with our experts today by clicking here. We also hope that you enjoyed this read. Don’t forget to check out our blog again soon.


All information shared on our blog are for entertainment and general purpose only. Kindly use your own discretion if you are using a particular information in place of expert advice or not doing further research.

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