

Plants have held an esteemed position in human culture and folklore since time immemorial. With their enchanting beauty, healing properties, and symbolic significance, they have been venerated and lauded for centuries. Some plants, however, have acquired a legendary status among Vastu believers for bestowing good fortune, wealth, and prosperity upon those who keep them.     

List of Vastu verified plants to increase positivity and good luck at home  

This blog is an exploration of a few Vastu verified plants and how to place them in your home. From the ubiquitous jade plant to the exotic money tree, these plants have captured the imagination of people across the globe and continue to be popular embellishments in homes and gardens alike. So, let us delve into the intriguing realm of lucky plants! 

1. Jade  

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/succulent-plant-in-close-up-photography-14619947/

The jade plant, with its lush green foliage and plump, circular leaves, is a revered symbol of growth, prosperity, and positive energy. It is also said to nurture deep and lasting friendships. As per Vastu, placing the plant in the southeast corner of your home’s entrance attracts maximum energy. However, it is best to avoid keeping it in the bedroom or bathroom, where it can attract negative vibes. 

2. Lucky Bamboo Plant   

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/bamboo-stick-lot-in-gray-galvanized-buckets-405034/

The lucky bamboo plant, with its slender stalks and vibrant green leaves, is a beloved symbol of peace, luck, and prosperity. It is also a popular choice for tabletops and desks, where it can create a serene and calming environment. As per Vastu, positioning the plant in the southeast or east corner of your home can maximize its benefits. Choosing a plant with six stalks is believed to promote luck and prosperity, while one with seven stalks can promote good health. 

3. Snake Plant  

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-person-sitting-near-potted-plants-4503261/

The snake plant is an excellent choice for adding a touch of natural elegance to your home while also promoting good health. This green marvel is beneficial to your health because of its ability to purify the air and absorb harmful toxins. Its presence creates a positive energy atmosphere, making it an ideal addition to your living space. Vastu suggests placing the plant in your bedroom’s south or east direction for a serene and calming ambiance. 

4. Holy Basil    

Source: Image by wirestock on Freepik

The holy basil plant, known for its strong spiritual energy, is a symbol of purity and good fortune in many cultures. It radiates positive vibes, making it an ideal plant for creating a harmonious environment in your home. Planted in the east or northeast direction, it brings a sense of tranquillity and attracts good luck, making it a must-have in every home. 

5. Money Plant  

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-plant-with-white-pot-on-wooden-table-6107014/

The money plant is a popular symbol of wealth and good fortune, and its low-maintenance nature makes it an ideal choice for those who want to enhance their home’s positive energy. Whether you plant it in water or soil, or a jar or bottle, this plant will thrive and bring good vibes into your space. Place it on your side table or near the window to invite prosperity and abundance into your life.  

6. Morpankhi  

Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/morpankhi-thuja-gymnosperms-green-6898614/

The Morpankhi  with its lush foliage and striking appearance, is a beautiful addition to any home. It not only adds to the aesthetics but also creates a positive environment by mitigating the negative effects of Vastu defects, if any, in your home. Placed at the entrance of your living room, it exudes positive energy and fosters a harmonious atmosphere. Keeping it well-watered is crucial to ensuring its powers are always at their peak.   

7. Aloe Vera  

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-aloe-vera-plants-1840270/

The versatile aloe vera plant, with its succulent leaves and healing properties, has long been a staple in skincare, haircare, and digestive remedies. It is also believed to usher in a flow of prosperity and happiness into your home while purifying the air. According to Vastu, positioning the plant in the north or east direction of your home can promote positive energy and repel negativity.  

8. Lavender   

Source: Image by Freepik

Lavender, with its fragrant purple blooms and therapeutic properties, is a cherished herb that relaxes the mind, uplifts the mood, and promotes restful sleep. It is also known to create a stress-free atmosphere and foster healthy relationships. As per Vastu, planting lavender in a sun-facing bedroom window can promote love, romance, and well-being.

9. Peony    

Source: Image by kotkoa on Freepik

The peony, with its soft, velvety petals and alluring fragrance, is a favourite flowering plant that symbolizes optimism, love, and positivity. It is a perfect choice for enhancing the beauty of gardens and homes while promoting harmonious relationships. According to Vastu, planting a peony in the southwest corner of your home can attract positive energy and create an atmosphere of hope and optimism. 


In conclusion, Vastu recommends specific precautions when it comes to plants and their placement within a home. Decaying or rotting leaves should be disposed of, while plants placed in the east or northeast direction should be limited to a maximum of 3 feet in height. Additionally, certain types of plants, such as cacti, bonsai, and thorny plants (except roses), should be removed as they attract negative energy and can have a negative impact on familial relationships. Following these guidelines can help create a more positive and harmonious environment within the home. 

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