Dec 30, 2019 | Blog, Buyer Concern
Since time immemorial, the land has never lost the value or demand, and with just restricted space accessible for a quick expanding populace, realty offers better (and ensured) returns contrasted with other well-known investment decisions. Protech Group of Real Estate...
Dec 21, 2019 | Blog, Buyer Concern, Protech Properties
Guwahati is the best place to buy a flat in Assam. Guwahati is a budding city, popularly known as the temple city, and is surrounded by hills. There is a hill view from almost anywhere, stand in a crossroad and you can view a hill in front of you. The gateway to other...
Dec 7, 2019 | Blog, Buyer Concern, Protech Properties
Purchasing a house in Guwahati or anywhere on earth is not an easy job. As though saving money to own a dream house isn’t arduous enough, you need to really focus to choose what to purchase. You decided to buy a flat, chose the locality, and financially ready...
Dec 2, 2019 | Blog, Buyer Concern
What is Home Loan Parameter? Loan eligibility depends primarily on income, in case a borrower doesn’t know about the particular standards that go into calculating that eligibility. If the applicant could not meet the eligibility criteria may prompt refusal of the loan...
Nov 23, 2019 | Blog, Protech Properties
A warehouse is the heart of logistics. The key to a successful business is an effective and functional warehouse. Protech warehouse helps businesses that are into manufacturing, export, and import, transporting goods, etc. for safekeeping of their equipment and other...