10 Vastu tips to start following this Assamese new year 

The Assamese New Year is almost here! Discover the ancient wisdom of Vastu tips that can help you attract positive energies, good fortune, and success in your home and workplace.

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Looking for ways to start afresh this new year? If you’re interested in incorporating Vastu principles into your home, then look no further than these Vastu tips for the Assamese New Year. Unlock the secrets of Vastu Shastra and step into the new year with harmonious and positive energy. These valuable insights will not only elevate your overall well-being and happiness but also create a perfect synergy between your living space and the universe. 

1. Make sure to clean out your home of unnecessary things

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/3wylDrjxH-E

For a pleasant living environment, it’s crucial to keep the house tidy and clutter-free. Eliminating clutter can help bring in positive energy because clutter / unused articles can breed negativity. It’s crucial to keep a positive outlook and keep any negative thoughts out of your head. A positive outlook can attract favorable energy and help the year be successful. Accumulation of unnecessary things can make your home feel chaotic and overwhelming and can obstruct the flow of good energy. Spend some time going through your possessions and getting rid of anything you don’t need. 

2. Rearrange Your Furniture and optimize the energy flow 

The placement of furniture can have a significant impact on the energy flow in your home. If your furniture is arranged in a way that feels cramped or awkward, it can create a negative energy flow. Consider rearranging your furniture to create a more harmonious and positive environment. For example, you may avoid shapes such as triangular or circular furniture and keep them away from the wall by around 3-5 inches. Position your sofa and chairs in a way that doesn’t hinder flow of energy and promotes conversation and interaction. 

3. Let the Sunshine In 

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/_Mn4i8nG1K0

Natural light has a powerful effect on our mood and energy levels. Exposure to sunlight has been linked to increased serotonin levels, which can help boost our mood and promote feelings of well-being. Open your curtains and blinds during the day to let in as much natural light as possible. If you have a room that doesn’t get much natural light, consider adding a mirror or reflective surface to help bounce light around the space. 

4. Make sure to Burn Incense or Sage regularly  

Burning incense or sage can help cleanse and purify the energy in your home. Choose scents that promote relaxation and positivity, such as lavender or sandalwood. As you burn the incense or sage, focus on your intention to release negative energy and promote positive energy flow in your home. Move around the room and let the smoke reach all areas of the space. 

5. Add Plants to Your Home: Nature’s Positive Influence  

Plants have a built-in capacity to clean the air and foster a happy, peaceful environment. Think about bringing some plants inside, like bamboo, aloe vera, or peace lilies. They not only make your space more beautiful, but they also foster serenity and encourage the flow of good energy. 

6. Create a Vision Board: Focus on Your Goals and Manifest Positive Energy   

Making a vision board is a creative and powerful way to focus on your goals and attract positive energy. Pick pictures and phrases that motivate you and reflect the goals you have for the upcoming year. Put your vision board in a visible spot in your home where you can see it frequently and spend a few minutes every day picturing yourself accomplishing your objectives. 

7. Use Color Therapy: Create a Harmonious Environment    

Our emotions and levels of energy are significantly influenced by colors. To encourage positivity and balance in your home, use color therapy. Use yellow, for optimism and positivity, blue, for serenity and relaxation, and green, for development and equilibrium. Think about adding these hues to your decor with accent pieces, wall paint, or artwork. Utilize them in a way that feels natural and in harmony with you and take pleasure in the uplifting energy they add to your environment. 

8. Planting Trees on New Year    

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-a-green-plant-1072824/

Planting a tree on New Year’s Eve is considered incredibly lucky. If any plant is wilted, it is recommended to plant a new one immediately. 

9. Placing Calendar and Family Photographs 

Family photos should be displayed on the East side of the house, and the New Year’s calendar should always be fixed on the eastern wall. Photos of family elders can foster more love and respect, and orienting a family photo in the west can promote harmony.  

10. Placing Decor Items in the Right Directions  

Success in studies, careers, businesses, and other areas can be attained by putting a fish aquarium or a metal turtle in the north of the house. Positive energy can also be brought in by keeping the windows facing north as open as possible. Additionally, red wallpaper and photographs of tall buildings and towers in the drawing room can increase success and fame. 


In conclusion, we would like to say that incorporating Vastu principles into your home can bring positive energy and create a harmonious living environment. These Vastu tips for the Assamese New Year provide valuable insights on decluttering your home, optimizing energy flow, letting natural light in, and many more. By following these tips, you can elevate your overall well-being and happiness, attract favorable energy, and achieve success in different areas of your life. So, step into the new year with a positive outlook and a well-organized and positive living space, and let the universe align in your favor. 


All information shared on our blog are for entertainment and general purpose only. Kindly use your own discretion if you are using a particular information in place of expert advice or not doing further research.

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