Ensuring Workspace Hygiene, Post Covid-19

2020 has been a difficult year for us all. We have all experienced our share of challenges during the pandemic that ranged from staying indoors 24×7 barring all social life,

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Actions Taken by Protech for Safer Return to Work Post Covid-19 Lockdown

2020 has been a difficult year for us all. We have all experienced our share of challenges during the pandemic that ranged from staying indoors 24×7 barring all social life, to meeting doctors when symptoms of Covid-19 hit us. However, one needs to move on in the different paths of life while taking complete precautions. And this is what has been strictly yet carefully maintained with each employee and customer at Protech Group. 

Our employees and customers are what defines the strength of our company and offering complete care towards their health and well-being are our foremost priority. Hence, Protech Group ensured to take in every essential measure required to combat Covid-19 since the day we re-opened after the lockdown. Ranging from regular sanitation of the different corners to ensuring each member inside is wearing a mask, we have been careful and promise to continue doing the same.

Here is a video showcasing steps taken by Protech to make work area and office premises a safer place to work during Covid-19

Safety measures Incorporated by Protech in Office Premises

To help you get a better insight into the many safety measures we are taking, we have listed out a few points below:

  1. Mandatory temperature check of anyone entering the premises of Protech Group’s offices and other areas of business. 
  2. Mandatory use of sanitisers at the entrance or washing of hands for 20 seconds with soap and water if required. 
  3. Mandatory use of face masks to ensure complete safety of the individual as well as the people around. 
  4. Regular sanitization of the premises ensuring each corner is covered. 
  5. Ensuring no large crowd is gathered in any space inside or outside the office premises.

Additional Measures to Combat Covid-19

In addition to the above-mentioned safety measures that we are maintaining, there also are other health measures that we are taking and suggesting each individual take. Here are some among the many:

  1. Drinking warm water: This may have been the most common tip that you have heard since the start of the pandemic. However, trust us, drinking warm water at least a few times a day works wonders as a precautionary measure. With the current winter season, it is also wise to consume only warm water so that the throat is unaffected and doesn’t lead to pain, which is a common symptom. 
  2. Vitamin C: Consumption of vitamin C foods or supplements has been highly suggested by experts studying and fighting the virus. The presence of powerful antioxidants in vitamin C rich foods are known to boost the immunity of the body. While the novel coronavirus is a deadly flu, a person with a strong immune system may be able to fight the symptoms without being affected seriously. 
  3. Exercise: Stepping outside unless necessary is of course not recommended during this period. However, you can and should practice exercising indoors to add a boost to your immunity and overall health. Gyms, running tracks and parks are open today. So, you can pick your choice of exercising space or make the best use of your home space to practice simple moves daily or yoga.

Way Forward 

We hope you will follow these simple tips as well and help keep yourself and your loved ones safe from this deadly coronavirus. Protech Group is not only a pioneer in the real estate industry, but also understands and cares for the people it connects with. Be it an employee or a customer who is looking to buy a new home in Guwahati, we promise you complete safety during your visit to our office. To know more, you may visit us at www.protechgroup.in.  

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